October 3, 2018

A note from our IT Manager about the retirement of LBP6650dn

As LBP6650dn’s manager, I’d like to take this moment to also say a few words on behalf of my departing colleague.

I’ve worked with LBP6650dn for years now. Impressively, it speaks three languages : UFR, Postscript, and PCL. Its toner capacity, duty cycle, and black and white ppm speed were where it excelled. While it occasionally had scaling issues with PDFs, and would let us know through vociferously beeping and raising errors on its console, we worked through them together to overcome them. Adobe can be a difficult and challenging beast to communicate with, and sometimes the signals that it was sending would delay projects or be beyond what LBP6650dn could handle. Nevertheless, it would persevere as if each print job were the most important in its existence. As it moves on to its new career (or retirement), it takes with it the pride of having done good work for NAI Elliott – its attention to detail was top notch, its web interface very user friendly, and rarely did it have an embarrassing habit of streaking during a print job. Large or small print jobs, it mattered.

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